Tag: BBC Micro

  • Killer Gorilla for the BBC Micro

    Killer Gorilla for the BBC Micro

    Not a Donkey Kong Clone, Honest The BBC Micro was touted as an educational tool, if you believe Fred Harris (sorry kids). Most of us growing up in the 80’s will have used one at school, either doing some rudimentary programming, or playing with maths tools such as “Turtle”. It also happened to have a great…

  • Mr Ee! Retro Review for the BBC Micro

    Mr Ee! Retro Review for the BBC Micro

    Introducing a pixel perfect clone of Mr Do! Mr Ee! came from a time when copyright law didn’t seem to apply to video games, otherwise this game would never have existed. Imagine taking the latest Super Mario game on the wii, copying it, calling it Super Dave and releasing it on the XBOX. That’s what…