Tag Archives: Ultimate

Atic Atac Game Review for the ZX Spectrum

Or is it Attic Attack?

The Early 1980s UK Gaming Scene

The early 1980s were a transformative period for the video game industry, marked by rapid technological advancements and a burgeoning market for home computers. The ZX Spectrum, with its affordable price and cheap cassette-based games, became a popular platform for development. Whilst our American cousins were focused almost entirely on video game consoles such as the Atari VCS, UK gamers were playing games on their ZX Spectrum, BBC Micro or Commodore 64 home computers.

Overrun by Monsters in Atic Atac

Well before I discovered Atic Atac, my first experience of Spectrum gaming was from Sinclair’s own game label. It was a fairly lumpy product called Horace Goes Skiing. Whilst a world away from the silent black and white Sinclair ZX81 which I had just graduated from, I soon got bored of these early Spectrum offerings, which had no depth and very little replay value.

Ultimate Play the Game

Soon developers began to unlock the full potential of the little rubber buttoned machine, and at the head of this movement were the Stamper Brothers, and their company – Utimate Play the Game. Early 16k games such at Jetpac, Pssst! and Tranz Am games were massively addictive, with smooth scrolling graphics, large colourful sprites and novel gameplay, with that all important replay value.

After these initial successes, Atic Atac was the first in a series of action adventure games, featuring larger play areas utilising 48k memory and huge puzzles to solve, providing a much deeper game experience. The game was set in a haunted castle, your mission to find the parts of a key that would allow you to escape, without first being overcome by the many monsters therein.

Initial Reception

Upon its release in 1983, Atic Atac was met with widespread acclaim. Gamers and critics praised its engaging gameplay, intricate design, and replayability. It quickly became a staple in many ZX Spectrum collections.

“Atic Atac is an amazing blend of action and exploration, setting a new benchmark for ZX Spectrum games.” – Crash Magazine

Gameplay and Mechanics

Core Gameplay

Atic Atac’s primary objective is for players to escape a labyrinthine castle by collecting pieces of the ACG (Ashby Computers & Graphics) key. The game is played from a top-down perspective, with players navigating through rooms filled with enemies and traps.

The castle setting of Atic Atac was spread over 5 floors, including subterranean dungeons, and the haunted attic of the title, and was riddled with secret passages that had to be learned in order to progress.

Moving between Atic Atac Levels

Atic Atac was quite punishing, with your character faced with a continuous onslaught from the various monsters, some of which could be destroyed, some just avoided. Life in the representation of a roast chicken could be restored by eating food found lying around the dungeon. Not that food found on the floor should be eaten anyway, but mushrooms were very dangerous and actually drained life

Player Classes

Players can choose from three characters: the Knight, the Wizard, and the Serf. Each character has unique weapons and access to different routes through the castle, adding variety and strategic depth to the gameplay.

Inventory System

Atic Atac features an inventory system where players collect and use up to 3 items at a time to progress. These items can unlock new areas, defeat specific enemies, or provide crucial information, making inventory management a key aspect of the game.

Graphics and Sound


For its time, Atic Atac’s graphics were impressive, leveraging the ZX Spectrum’s limited capabilities effectively. The colorful sprite design and detailed rooms created an immersive atmosphere that drew players into the game world, making the most of the extra memory afforded by the 48k Spectrum.

“The graphics are outstanding, especially considering the hardware limitations of the ZX Spectrum. Each room is vividly detailed, making the game a visual treat.” – Your Sinclair

Atic Atac Spooky Theme

The visual design of Atic Atac maintained a consistent medieval theme, enhancing the game’s narrative and adding to its charm. The distinctive look of each character and enemy contributed to the game’s overall appeal.

Atic Atac Loading Screen
Spectrum Loading Screen

Horrific Sound Design?

While the ZX Spectrum was not known for its advanced sound capabilities, Atic Atac made good use of available resources. The sound effects, though simple, were effective in enhancing the gameplay experience and providing audio cues for player actions.

Atic Atac Challenge and Replayability

Difficulty Level

Atic Atac is known for its initially challenging gameplay. Players must navigate a complex maze, manage limited resources, and contend with numerous enemies. The difficulty curve is steep, but it rewards persistence and strategic thinking.

“Atic Atac’s difficulty is perfectly balanced. It’s challenging enough to keep you on your toes, but not so hard that it becomes frustrating.” – Computer and Video Games Magazine

Replay Value

Several factors contribute to Atic Atac’s high replayability. The randomized elements, such as item placement and enemy behavior, ensure that each playthrough is unique. Additionally, the different experiences offered by the three character classes encourage multiple playthroughs. Ultimately, with practise, the game could be completed in around 3 minutes.

Legacy and Influence

Lasting Impact

Atic Atac has left a lasting legacy in the gaming world. It influenced subsequent game design, particularly in the action-adventure and exploration genres. The game’s innovative mechanics and engaging gameplay set a precedent for future titles.

“Atic Atac is a pioneering game that has inspired countless developers and remains a benchmark for adventure games.” – Retro Gamer Magazine

Atic Atac on Other Platforms

Amstrad CPC Version

The Amstrad CPC version of Atic Atac retained the core gameplay and mechanics of the ZX Spectrum original but featured enhanced graphics and sound. The color palette was more vibrant, and the sound effects were slightly improved due to the CPC’s superior audio capabilities. However, the gameplay experience remained largely the same, preserving the challenging and engaging nature of the original.

“While the Amstrad CPC version offers better visuals and sound, it stays true to the spirit of the ZX Spectrum classic, making it a must-play for fans of the original.” – Amstrad Action

BBC Micro Version

The BBC Micro version of Atic Atac also aimed to replicate the success of the ZX Spectrum release. This version featured smoother (although chunkier) graphics and slightly faster gameplay, benefiting from the BBC Micro’s hardware. The game’s controls were responsive, and the overall experience was faithful to the original, although the color scheme was more muted compared to the Amstrad CPC version.

BBC Micro – Chunky but Good

“The BBC Micro adaptation of Atic Atac retains the original’s charm and complexity, with minor graphical improvements that enhance the gameplay experience.” – Micro User

Final Verdict

Was Atic Atac really that good?

It’s difficult to get across how excited we were to get our hands on Atic Atac, after reading reviews in Crash magazine and seeing the posters up in WH Smith and John Menzies. The size and scale of the game, combined with the smooth graphics and the spooky theme, it just felt like nothing that had come before on a home computer. It may seem quaint now, but at the time it was groundbreaking, and a sign of greater things to come for UK gamers.

References and Further Reading

For those interested in learning more about Atic Atac and the history of the ZX Spectrum, here are some useful sites:

Tranz Am Review for the ZX Spectrum

Ultimate’s 16k Driving Marvel

For many, the ZX Spectrum was a gift from parents that believed it would be an educational tool, like the Sinclair ZX81 before it, but in reality it was used by everyone for gaming. One game that stands out is Tranz Am, a top-down game set in a post-apocalyptic USA. Developed by Ultimate Play the Game (the developers who later became Rare), Tranz Am wasn’t just another game; it was a test of reflexes, strategy, and sheer willpower.

Tranz AM Gameplay GIF

Background of Tranz Am

Tranz Am was released in 1983, a time when the ZX Spectrum was still relatively new but already a household name among gamers. Ultimate Play the Game had already established itself with titles like JetPac, but Tranz Am was different. It combined the thrill of racing with an open-world map, something quite ambitious for its time, particularly as it was written to squeeze into only 16k of memory.

I remember first loading up Tranz Am on my trusty WH Smith data cassette player, grateful that I didn’t have to adjust the tone to improve the quality of the signal. I’d actually bought this game, rather than using a “backup copy” acquired from a friend, so it worked first time….

Gameplay Mechanics

Objective and Controls

In Tranz Am, your mission is simple: survive a Mad-Max style apocalyptic world in your dune-buggy car. You start with a limited amount of fuel and must traverse a vast map to collect the “8 Great Cups of Ultimate” while avoiding obstacles and enemy cars. The controls are straightforward: left and right to steer, forward to accelerate, and backward to decelerate. For those who preferred joysticks, the game supported that too, though many stuck to the trusty keyboard. I was always a keyboard fan, even though I had a Kempston joystick and interface.

Tranz Am gameplay screen
Tranz Am Gameplay

The Game Environment

The game’s map is a sprawling depiction of the United States, albeit a very pixelated one. Major cities are represented by clusters of buildings, where the name of the city would appear at the bottom of the screen, giving you another navigation reference. You’ll often find fuel pumps scattered around which you need to run over to refuel your car. Enemy cars, represented by different colored sprites, roam the map, ready to crash into you and end one of your 3 lives. There were also trees and boulders to avoid, as well as the occasional tombstone and oil derrick.

Fortunately for you, your radar shows the position of the approaching cars allowing you to avoid them or plot your escape. The radar also shows the cups, although they look the same as an enemy car. As an added twist you couldn’t just smash the accelerator to outrun your enemies, as this would cause the engine to overheat and the car to slow down.

This created a certain tension as you constantly monitored your fuel gauge while trying to outmanoeuvre rivals, and not overheat the engine.

Tranz Am Graphics and Sound

Visual Style

Considering the hardware limitations of the ZX Spectrum, Tranz Am’s graphics were impressive. The car sprites were detailed enough to be recognizable, and the map, though simplistic, conveyed the vastness of the environment effectively. Compared to other games on the Spectrum, Tranz Am’s visuals were quite advanced, with a good use of the limited color palette.

To provide a bit of variety, there was a “Night Driver” mode which would randomly occur at the end of a life, inverting the screen colours to provide a black background. This would have required a very low programming and memory overhead but was a great effect.

Sound Effects

The sound effects, while basic, added to the immersion. The rising hum of the engine as you accelerated, and the crash sounds when you hit a car or boulder were all part of the experience. Unlike modern games, there wasn’t much in the way of background music, but the minimalist sound design worked well, keeping you focused on the gameplay.

Cassette art for Tranz Am on the ZX Spectrum

Tranz Am Difficulty and Replayability

Level of Challenge

Tranz Am was no walk in the park. The difficulty curve was steep, especially for beginners. The controls were responsive but unforgiving, and it took a few crashes before you got the hang of maneuvering your car. However, this difficulty was part of the game’s charm. It felt rewarding when you finally managed to outlast your rivals and gather enough fuel to keep going and start collecting cups.

Strategies for beating Tranz Am

One tip is to always keep an eye on your fuel gauge. It’s tempting to speed ahead, but managing your resources is crucial. Another strategy is to learn the map layout. Certain routes are safer and have more fuel canisters, so memorizing these paths can give you an edge.

My personal strategy involved a lot of trial and error. I found that sticking to the edges of the map often yielded more fuel and fewer enemy encounters. It wasn’t foolproof, but it worked more often than not.

Complete the game by collecting all 8 cups, and you will be presented with a score and a time, with a game being completed in around 10 minutes.

Replay Value

Trans Am on the Spectrum garnered praise for its substantial replay value, a sentiment echoed by gaming magazines of its era. Reviews highlighted the game’s dynamic gameplay mechanics and the unpredictability introduced by its open-world format.

Magazines often emphasized how each session felt fresh due to the random placement of fuel canisters and enemy cars, keeping players engaged and challenged. This variability not only added to the game’s excitement but also encouraged strategic thinking and replayability, making Trans Am a standout early title in the ZX Spectrum’s library of games.

Tranz Am ROM Cartridge
Rare Tranz Am ROM Cartridge

Comparing Tranz Am with other ZX Spectrum Racing Games

Chequered Flag

Chequered Flag, developed by Psion and released in 1983, is a classic racing simulation game for the ZX Spectrum. It offers a surprisingly deep experience given the hardware limitations of the time. Players can choose from a variety of cars and tracks, each offering unique challenges and requiring different strategies to master.

The graphics, though simplistic by modern standards, are impressive for the ZX Spectrum, with detailed car sprites and well-designed tracks. The game employs a first-person perspective from behind the wheel, which was quite innovative for its era. The controls are responsive, allowing for precise handling, which is crucial in navigating the tight corners and straightaways of the tracks.

Chequered Flag for ZX S-ectrum
Chequered Flag by Psion

One of the standout features of Chequered Flag is its realism. The game simulates different car dynamics, such as acceleration, braking, and skidding, adding a layer of depth that was uncommon in many racing games of the time. The inclusion of a gear shift mechanism further enhances the simulation aspect, making the gameplay both challenging and rewarding.

The sound effects, while basic, complement the action well. The engine noise changes pitch as you accelerate and decelerate, adding to the immersion. However, the absence of music might make the experience feel a bit stark to modern players.

Pole Position

Pole Position, ported to the ZX Spectrum by Atarisoft in 1984, brings the classic arcade racing experience to home computers. As one of the earliest racing games, it set a high standard with its blend of fast-paced action and competitive gameplay.

Pole Position Screenshot Spectrum
Pole Position

Graphically, the ZX Spectrum version of Pole Position is quite basic, but it retains the essence of the arcade original. The car sprites and track elements are simplified, yet they convey a clear sense of speed and motion. The first-person perspective from behind the car adds to the excitement, and the colorful backgrounds, though rudimentary, are effective in creating a dynamic racing environment.

The controls in Pole Position are responsive, which is crucial for navigating the twists and turns of the Fuji Speedway track. Players must qualify in a time trial before competing in the main race, adding a strategic layer to the gameplay. Successfully weaving through traffic and avoiding obstacles while maintaining high speeds is both challenging and exhilarating.

Sound effects in the ZX Spectrum version are minimal, primarily consisting of engine noises and collision sounds. While these are rudimentary, they serve their purpose in enhancing the racing atmosphere.

Overall, Pole Position for the ZX Spectrum captures the spirit of the arcade original despite the hardware constraints.

Enduro Racer

Enduro Racer, ported to the ZX Spectrum by Activision in 1987, brings the off-road motorbike racing excitement of the arcade original to the home computer. While it can’t fully replicate the arcade experience, it offers a fun and challenging ride.

Graphically, Enduro Racer is impressive for the ZX Spectrum, with detailed sprites and varied terrain. The game uses an isometric perspective, providing a clear view of the track and obstacles. The bikes and riders are well-animated, and the sense of speed is effectively conveyed, even with the Spectrum’s limited graphical capabilities.

The gameplay is straightforward but engaging. Players control a motorbike, navigating through a series of tracks filled with jumps, bumps, and other hazards. The controls are responsive, allowing for precise handling, which is essential for avoiding obstacles and maintaining speed. The game requires a mix of speed and strategy, as players must manage their bike’s position and momentum to tackle the various jumps and rough terrain effectively.

Enduro Racer Spectrum

Sound effects are minimal but functional, consisting mainly of engine noises and crash sounds. While not particularly immersive, they do add to the overall experience.

Enduro Racer’s difficulty level is well-balanced, offering a satisfying challenge without being overly frustrating. The game captures the essence of off-road racing and provides a good sense of progression as players advance through the increasingly difficult tracks.

Overall, Enduro Racer for the ZX Spectrum is a solid racing game that effectively translates the excitement of the arcade original to the home computer.

Pros and Cons of Tranz Am Compared to Peers


  • Huge open-world map
  • High replay value due to randomised environment
  • Simple arcade-like controls


  • Steep learning curve
  • Lacks driving realism compared to traditional racers
  • Lack of graphical variety

Tranz Am’s standout feature is its combination of racing and exploration. The post-apocalyptic setting adds a layer of excitement and tension, making it more than just a race against the clock. The game’s ability to mix adventure and survival is what makes it memorable.


While not a household name today, the 1983 ZX Spectrum game Tranz Am left its mark. This overhead racer, with its smooth controls and post-apocalyptic setting, was praised for its originality and accessibility. It helped establish developer Ultimate Play the Game as a force in early gaming and showcased the potential of the ZX Spectrum platform.

Sabre Wulf: ZX Spectrum Classic by Ultimate

In the golden age of 8-bit computers, the Stamper brothers, Tim and Chris, carved their niche with innovative and action-packed titles for the ZX Spectrum. One such game, released in 1984, was Sabre Wulf, a unique adventure game that captured the imagination of gamers with its exploration, combat, and a touch of mystery. This article delves into the world of Sabre Wulf, exploring its origins, variants, critical reception, and the gameplay that made it a classic.

Gameplay gif of Sabre Wulf on the ZX Spectrum
Sabre Wulf Gameplay on the Spectrum IGIF)

Exploring the Jungle: Unveiling the Gameplay

Sabre Wulf placed players in the role of Sabreman, tasked with finding 4 pieces of a mysterious amulet, in order to pass the titular Sabre Wulf and escape the Jungle. The gameplay revolved around:

  • Maze Exploration: Sabreman navigated a vast, 256-screen jungle maze filled with obstacles, enemies, and hidden paths. The game used a “flick screen” mechanic, so effective in earlier game Atic Atac, where the background was static and the screen would “flick” to the next when the player approached the edge.
  • Combat: Using his trusty saber, Sabreman fought off various foes like bats, snakes, and spiders. Strategic use of the saber and careful timing were crucial for success. Some enemies could not be killed so had to be dodged or completely avoided.
  • Power-Ups: Scattered throughout the maze were orchids with random effects, some beneficial and some detrimental, adding an element of surprise and risk-reward.
  • Treasure: Score extra points by finding treasure, as well as gaining extra lives.
  • Amulets: The key to escaping the jungle lay in collecting four hidden amulet pieces scattered across the maze. Oh and finding the exit, a centrally located cave guarded by a mysterious native.

Sabre Wulf presented a unique blend of exploration, combat, and puzzle-solving, offering a satisfyingly, if a little repetitive, open-ended experience.

Sabreman attacks some innocent creatures

Sabre Wulf: Home Computer Variants

The game wasn’t confined to the ZX Spectrum. Here’s a look at its adaptations for other platforms:

  • Acorn BBC Micro (1984): A faithful port retaining the core gameplay but with slight graphical tweaks. The primary benefit over the Spectrum version was the avoidance of the colour clash that plagued the Sinclair machines graphics. This was however at the cost of a lower graphical resolution, and a strange “wide” screen layout.
  • Commodore 64 (1985): Developed by a different team, this version featured somewhat different visuals and sound effects. Zzap!64 magazine slated this version as having disappointing graphics, as well as being poor value for money, having been released 8 months after the original Spectrum version.
  • Amstrad CPC (1985): This port maintained the gameplay but with some limitations in color palette compared to the original Spectrum version.
  • TI99/4A (2014): A belated and unofficial conversion for the popular US home computer.
Sabre Wulf box for Spectrum
“Big Box” Sabre Wulf Packaging

Critical Reception: A Roar of Approval (Mostly)

Sabre Wulf on the ZX Spectrum received generally positive reviews, with some reservations. Crash Magazine (1984) awarded Sabre Wulf a respectable 83% score, praising its addictive gameplay,challenging puzzles, and atmospheric graphics. However, the reviewer noted the repetitive nature of the combat and the lack of a clear story.  Reviews in other publications echoed Crash Magazine’s sentiments, highlighting the game’s strengths and acknowledging its limitations.

Despite some critiques, Sabre Wulf garnered a loyal following, becoming a cornerstone title for the ZX Spectrum and solidifying the Stamper brothers’ reputation for innovative game design.

Pond screenshot of Sabre Wulf
Sabreman avoiding some spiders

Guide to Playing Sabre Wulf

Sabre Wulf on the ZX Spectrum is known for its challenging gameplay and lack of explicit instructions. Here’s a breakdown to help you complete it:


Collect four pieces of an amulet scattered throughout the jungle maze. With the complete amulet, approach the guardian at the cave entrance in the centre of the maze to win.


The maze is large and interconnected. Explore every nook and cranny to find the amulet pieces and other helpful items such as treasure and extra lives. Avoid the Wulf who patrols a lane at the bottom of the maze and can’t be killed, only outflanked. With very little direction you will either need a good memory, or like most gamers of the time, draw a map!

Avoid Danger

The jungle is full of enemies like spiders, scorpions, and the elusive Sabre Wulf himself. Touching them will lose you a life. Using your sabre you can kill most of the baddies, but remember you can only swing your sword to the left or right, so you need to be careful running up or down the screen. Watch out for the sleeping hippos which block the paths, they can be poked awake but will stampede! Avoid loitering in a screen too long, this creates roving forrest fires which kill Sabreman on contact and can’t be destroyed.


Sabre Wulf on the ZX Spectrum doesn’t have traditional power-ups in the sense of permanent upgrades. However, it features Orchid flowers that provide temporary benefits, some of which have nasty side-effects:

Sabreman looking a bit Blue
  • Yellow: Destroys all enemies on screen but leaves Sabreman briefly incapacitated (immune to enemies during this time).
  • Red: Grants temporary invincibility but slows Sabreman down.
  • Purple: Provides invincibility for a short time but inverts controls (left becomes right, up becomes down).
  • Cyan: This is the one to have – offers both invincibility and increased speed (turbo boost).
  • White: Neutralizes the effect of any other active orchid.

Trial and Error

There’s no in-game map or guidance. Learning the maze layout and enemy patterns comes through exploration and repeated attempts. Think of it as an 80s Roguelike but without the pervasive power-ups!

Sabre Wulf sequels from Ultimate

Ultimate (later Rare) released a number of titles in what became the Sabreman series between 1984 and 1986, although they followed very different formats:

  • Underwurlde (1984): Following his escape from the jungle, Sabreman finds himself in a hostile underground world. This side-scrolling platformer tasks him with finding three weapons to defeat three guardians and ultimately escape the Underwurlde.
  • Knight Lore (1984): Sabreman is infected with lycanthropy after escaping the Underwurlde, and must find a cure for his condition. This isometric adventure game puts him in a castle filled with traps and puzzles, and where he turns into a werewolf during full moon.
  • Pentagram (1986): Now a seasoned adventurer and a fledgling wizard, Sabreman embarks on a quest to find the powerful magical artifact known as the Pentagram. This isometric adventure game features magic-based combat and puzzle-solving elements.
Knight Lore for the Spectrum
Knight Lore Isometric Graphics
  • Mire Mare: This planned sequel to Underwurlde or Pentagram never saw the light of day. Little is known about its intended gameplay or story, as it was cancelled around the time of the partial takeover of Ultimate by US Gold. It is however mentioned at the end of the aforementioned games.
  • Gameboy Advance Remake. In the Rare (Ultimate sister company) 2004 remake for the Game Boy Advance, Sabre Wulf takes Sabreman, the explorer, on a treasure hunting adventure once again. This time, a shattered amulet frees the villainous Sabre Wulf, and it’s up to Sabreman to recapture him and reclaim stolen riches.
GBA version of Sabre Wulf
Sabre Wulf remake on Gameboy Advance

Lasting Impact of Sabre Wulf

Sabre Wulf for the ZX Spectrum introduced some interesting concepts for it’s time, while not necessarily packed with groundbreaking technical innovations:

  • Price and Packaging: Ultimate Play the Game priced Sabre Wulf significantly higher than their usual games. This bold move aimed to combat piracy by making owners more protective of the expensive software. It also established their now-iconic unadorned “big box” packaging style.
  • Storytelling: The game didn’t hold your hand. There were no tutorials or explicit instructions. Players had to figure out the goal (collecting amulet pieces) and mechanics through trial and error. This approach to storytelling became more prominent later on, but was less common in 1984.
  • Large, Colorful Game World: The 256-screen maze offered a vast and visually appealing environment for a ZX Spectrum game. This created a sense of exploration and discovery for players.  The Stamper brothers claim that Sabre Wulf’s exploration and item collection mechanics might have influenced The Legend of Zelda (1986), although this is very much up for debate.

While not revolutionary, these elements helped shape Sabre Wulf into a memorable and influential title for the ZX Spectrum.

Sabre Wulf Links

Crash Magazine Review https://www.crashonline.org.uk/06/sabre.htm

Zzap!64 Review http://www.zzap64.co.uk/cgi-bin/displaypage.pl?issue=007&page=054&thumbstart=0&magazine=zzap&check=1

Did The Stampers Really Think Miyamoto Copied Sabre Wulf With Zelda? https://www.timeextension.com/news/2024/05/did-the-stampers-really-think-miyamoto-copied-sabre-wulf-with-zelda

PSSST! for the ZX Spectrum, an Ultimate review

PSSST! was one of my first experiences of a really slick and addictive Spectrum game. It was launched by publisher Ultimate! around the time of Jet-Pac, prior to the later and more popular isometric games.

Pssst! Gameplay on the ZX Spectrum using animated GIF
Pssst! gameplay recording on the ZX Spectrum

I remember cutting out the coupon in Sinclair User to order the game, paid for with a postal order for £5. No downloadable content and PayPal for us back in 1983! Back then you had to rely on a grainy screenshot if you were lucky, and the idea of Youtube to view gameplay was a fantasy.

PSSST! Loading Screen on the ZX Spectrum

The game was released on cassette tape, much like all games for home computers of the early 80’s. The ZX Spectrum loading screen for Pssst! was a sign of the graphical goodness to come, with chunky graphics that somehow managed to avoid the colour clash that plagued the Sinclair machine.

Playing Pssst! on the ZX Spectrum

Playing the role of “Robbie the Robot”, your objective is to patrol your garden and protect your green shoot from invading insects long enough for it to grow and flower. The insects would crawl or fly towards the flower, and could be killed by using the right kind of spray for the insect – either a puff of gas, an electric zap or a water spray.

Screenshot of Pssst! For the ZX Spectrum
Pssst! Game-lay screenshot on the ZX Spectrum

The cans were dotted in alcoves by the side of the screen, and you could only carry one at a time, which forms the main game mechanic.  You will encounter a number of different bugs as you progress through the game, starting with caterpillers and moving through bumble bees and wasps, each with a different attack pattern, and requiring different spray types.

Survival of your flower was a frantic battle to keep swapping sprays and killing insects moving at different speeds towards your flower.

Not the best or deepest game from Ultimate but a taste of things to come, and a world away from the clunky amd jumpy character animation of most early Spectrum games.

JetPac for the ZX Spectrum by Ultimate Play the Game

A new kind of game for the Spectrum

JetPac was one of the first of the games released for the early 16k Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer, and developer Ultimate managed to fit a lot into the tiny memory. This game didn’t fit into any easily definable retro gaming genre, as it had a number of elements, being part shooter, part action-platformer.  What it did do was deliver to early adopter Spectrum owners the arcade experience they had been looking for in their humble home computer.

Jetpac gameplay gif
JetPac for the ZX Spectrum

JetPac Gameplay

Due to the memory constraints of the basic 16k Spectrum model, JetPac did away with multiple screens and stuck to a very simple formula. Use your JetPac to collect space ship parts that fall from the sky, kill the aliens that try to attack you, build a rocket from the parts and take off in it when its complete. Then do it all over again, repeatedly, until you die. And that’s it.

JetPac loading screen for the ZX Spectrum

Despite the simple premise, one which would not hold the attention of many 10 year old game veterans today, Ultimate managed to build a sense of achievement into JetPac, as well as a desire to progress further through the game. You were pushed to tackle just one more screen, in order to see a new alien type with a different attack pattern. Every few screens you would get a new rocket, starting with an Apollo 13 style vehicle, and ending with a space shuttle (Tetris on the Gameboy also did this as a reward for completion).

There was also a great sense of colour in the game, from the garish alien designs to the multi coloured laser blast, but again due to memory limitations the only sound was the squeak of your laser and the plop when the aliens were destroyed.

Jetpac Spectrum Game Screen
JetPac screenshot on the ZX Spectrum

JetPac was a masterstroke of packaging in a time when memory was incredibly expensive. Developers Ultimate had to think about not only the gameplay but how they could most effectively fit it into the space available, and maximise the number of Spectrum owners that could play the game.

Jetpac forZX Spectrum Cassette Inlay
Jetpac forZX Spectrum Cassette Inlay

JetPac Critical Reception

Reviews of Jetpac on the ZX Spectrum were overwhelmingly positive, with several contemporary magazines lauding its graphics, gameplay, and overall design. Crash magazine praised the game for its “colorful and well-defined sprites,” deeming it “one of the best-looking games on the Spectrum.” The gameplay was frequently highlighted as a standout feature, with “Crash” describing it as “immensely playable and addictive,” while “Your Spectrum” echoed these sentiments, calling it “fast-paced and engaging, with responsive controls.”

Jetpac is a real scorcher…fast and frenetic gameplay that will have you coming back for more

Your Sinclair Magazine (1983)

Although the sound was recognized as basic due to the hardware limitations, it was still considered effective and adequate for the gameplay experience. The consensus among critics was that Jetpac was a landmark title for the ZX Spectrum, combining visually appealing graphics with compelling and addictive gameplay.

JetPac on other platforms

The success of JetPac on the ZX Spectrum lead to conversions various home computers of the era, each with their own strengths and limitations.

Commodore VIC-20 Version (1983)

The VIC-20 version of JetPac is much closer to the Spectrum than the BBC version, with almost identical graphics and gameplay. The game relied on an 8k expansion pack being fitted to the VIC-20, although still less memory than the already tiny 16k of the Spectrum.

The VIC-20 version of JetPac was a huge success, like the Spectrum it stretched the boundaries of what was possible on a simple home computer, and a standout title for the Commodore 64’s baby brother.

Vic 20 JetPac
Vic-20 version of JetPac

There was never an official release for the Commodore 64, but unofficial conversions exist online.

BBC Micro Version (1984)

JetPac on the BBC Micro was visually different to the Spectrum version, with more chunky graphics and a quite basic sound effects. Gameplay was marred by annoying aliens which were incredibly difficult to avoid, resulting in a frustrating gaming experience.

JetPac for the BBC Micro
JetPac for the BBC Micro

JetPac Sequels and Modern Revivals

Ultimate have survived to the present under different brands and owners, and as such have been able to sporadically revive the JetPac franchise.

Lunar Jetman (Ultimate – 1983)

Lunar Jetman was released by Ultimate the same year as JetPac, and is probably the closest thing to a true sequel to the original game.

In Lunar Jetman you had a buggy to ride around the planet surface, with items scattered across a map which was much larger than the side-scrolling screen.  You still had to exit the vehicle to collect the items, and return to the buggy to refuel your JetPac. The mission in Lunar Jetman was to destroy 3 enemy bases using bombs that first had to be located and transported.

Lunar Jetman
JetPac sequel Lunar Jetman

Development for the 48k Spectrum allowed more depth of gameplay and variety of graphics than the original, and it even featured voice synthesis if you had a Currah Speech Pack. It’s difficult to describe how excited I was to play Lunar Jetman on its release, and I wasn’t disappointed.

a worthy successor to JetPac

Crash Magazine (1983)

Solar Jetman (Zippo/Rare – 1990)

JetPac’s author Ultimate later transitioned to “Rare”, and in 1990 rebranded one of their acquired titles as Solar Jetman. The game was originally developed for the Nintendo Entertainment System by Zippo games, who were bought by Rare during the game’s development.

The links to JetPac and Lunar Jetman are tenuous, as there is no actual Jet Pack in the game. It’s more a gravity-based game, similar to arcade title Gravitar, where the mission was to use thrusters to safely traverse rocky landscapes. As such it is a sequel in name only, and due to poor sales of the NES cart, never made it to the Spectrum or any other home computer.

Jetpac Refueled (Rare – 2014)

Jetpac Refueled was commissioned after Rare were acquired by Microsoft, the original JetPac game being refreshed as part of the XBOX Arcade series of games.

The original game was enhanced with modern graphics and sound, and a number of new features introduced including weapons upgrades, smart bombs and a speed boost. The game also featured a 2 player mode, both local and online, where players could compete for high scores and places on a global league table.

JetPac refuelled was a remake rather than a sequel, given the almost identical gameplay. Although modern reviews claim it was an improvement over the original, its impact on the gaming landscape of 2014 was nothing like that of JetPac in 1983.

Link to JetPac Refuelled on xbox

Final Thoughts on JetPac

JetPac, like many of the early 16k Spectrum games from Ultimate, showed what could be achieved with fairly basic computer hardware. With this title Ultimate set a new standard for gaming on the home computer platform for other developers to follow, and established them as the premier games developer for the platform.