
Why are retro video games worth saving?

I’ve been an avid retro gamer and collector of hardware and software for a number of years, having grown up in the 80’s during the birth of the industry, and occasionally contributed to existing sites when I thought I had something of value to say.  But having some very broad interests in gaming, rather than a focus on a specific machine or era, I never really found a single site that met my needs.

So I thought I’d put my own site together, and write about what I like, in the hope that other people find something of interest.  I don’t have any grand ambitions, to be the biggest, or the most complete, or have the most visitors, or make any money, just to have an outlet for my ramblings on everything retro game related.

For the purposes of defining retro, I’m also keeping this fairly broad, so anything non-current (PS2 is retro, PS3 is current), as well as any old games on new platforms, so pretty much anything is in apart from the very latest games.  Different retro gamers will have different opinions on this, but it’s my site so that’s what I’m going to do.

So in this series of (hopefully) regular articles I will be covering:

  • My favourite console hardware and software
  • Arcade gaming
  • Handhelds
  • Remakes of older games on newer platforms
  • Reviews of new games with a retro vibe
  • Emulation, and keeping old games alive
  • Other interesting websites that take my fancy
  • My growing retro collection, and projects like my MAME cabinet
  • Retro gaming events happening around the UK

I’m also looking to augment my posts with original photography and artwork, as well as recording video footage of games or hardware being discussed as part of a planned YouTube channel.

So if you like what you see here, please comment and let me know you are out there, follow me on twitter, re-tweet my content, or just plain email me with your feedback.

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